1. Your sister is going to have a presentation.
2. Your brother is going to have an exam. 3. Your friend is going to have a dancing performance.
4. Your friend is going to participate on a competition.
5. Your mother is going to have a trip abroad
Membuat dialog berdasarkan keadaan yang ditentukan pada soal. Dialog dibuatlah harus memiliki ungkapa harapan dan keinginan dapat dibuat sebagai berikut:
1. Your sister is going to have a presentation. Dialognya:
Sister: Brother, I'm going to the office now.I have to hurry because I have presentation today
Me: Good luck sis, I hope your presentation will go well.
2. Your brother is going to have an exam. Dialognya:
Me: hei bro, you look very sleepy this morning
Brother: Its because I studied hard last night for today exam. Well, Its already 7.00 AM now. I have to go.
Me: See you then, I wish you can answer all the question on the exam.
3. Your friend is going to participate on a competition. Dialognya:
Me: what are you doing Bud?
Budi: I am practice for competition on this weekend.
Me: You always practice like this every day?
Budi: Yes, I dont want to lose on those competition
Me: I'm sure that your effort will be awarded. I wish for your luck.
4. Your mother is going to have a trip abroad. Dialognya:
Mother: Son, i'm going to leave now. I have a work to do on america. Take care of the house when I'm not here.
Me: Alright mom, I wish for your save trip.
Expression of hope and wish merupakan sebuah ekspresi dalam kalimat bahasa inggris yang mengandung makna harapan dan keinginan yang di inginkan. Keadaan yang di "hope"dan "wish" merupakan keadaan yang mungkin terjadi atau belum pasti kebenaran kejadiannya.
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Materi tentang hope dan wish https://brainly.co.id/tugas/10547663
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